12/22/2020 1 Comment Season #2 in Reflection2020... So many people have some wild experiences and stories from this crazy year. In my mind, it has gone both extremely quickly and incredibly slowly in many ways. I will say, even though everyone has experienced hardships over the year, I'm very proud of this team for making the best of challenging circumstances. Team practices and races have been a safe place where we get to experience true kindness and respect from teenagers and their coaches. Our little team has grown to over four times the size compared to last year. We saw so many new faces and met many new families that got to experience the wonder that is NICA culture.
It was a whirlwind of excitement, and the coaching team has really done a beautiful job this season with the student athletes. We are proud to have the team with the most student athlete volunteer hours. The kids got to check out some new trail options and see some of what it takes to maintain such trails. We also got to adventure to further areas in the state, including Winona Lake and Griffin Bike Park (among others.) We saw many student athletes participate in their first ever race. Everyone who came out finished their race strong and got to enjoy new awesome trails with their peers. We camped together, played some (not so) serious bike limbo together, cut trail together, and go to know one another. Heck, we even witness a unicorn ride a mountain bike! I for one will always remember this season fondly. As we approach 2021, I'll be the first to admit that this season went by far too quickly. I can't wait to get back to it again. We've got some major goals for next year including becoming a 501(c)(3) non profit, eliminating financial barriers for families to participate in our sport, and taking more adventures than ever before. This whole exponential growth trend can keep on coming to The Region Comp - we will always have room for one more student athlete, one more coach, and one more volunteer. -Coach Yella
1 Comment
8/11/2020 0 Comments Early Season PracticesSo far, our team has hosted just a handful of practice for the season. The student athletes have shown some amazing skills both on and off the bike. I am particularly proud of the way that they have been working together. Most of these kids would have never met had it not been for the team. That still amazes me to this day!
So what have we accomplished so far?
Don't forget, invite your friends to practice! If they don't have appropriate gear, email your coaches. We just might be able to help ;) -Coach Yella 3/9/2020 1 Comment 2019 in review2019 was our first year as an established team. It was also the first year of programming for the Indiana League. We learned a lot about functioning as a team and loved every minute of it.
A quick recap on our team so far: 3 coaches, 3 student athletes and 6 families.
Meanwhile in the Indiana League, we got the opportunity to participate in the inaugural Adventure Weekend at Griffin Bike Park. This was an epic weekend of adventure, jam packed with riding, games and camaraderie. This was the first time that the Indiana Leadership Team got together to test race equipment and the event was a great success! |